Hunting in the Highveld Region of South Africa

The “Trout triangle” in the Mpumalanga province of South Africa lies between the towns of Belfast, Dullstroom and Machadodorp. This area is also known as the Highveld region due to its height above sea level and thus its colder climate. This makes the area the ideal home for Trout, as they prefer cold water environments….

Swift Epic 580 Fiberglass Fly Rod Build

There has been a fiberglass fly rod revolution of late, driven by people such as Cameron Mortenson from The Fiberglass Manifesto and Carl McNeil from Swift Fly Fishing. Social media has been buzzing with #glassisnotdead and thousands of glass wielding rebels have been posting and sharing pics, supporting their passion for fiberglass fly rods. The…

Exploring New Waters and Avoiding Crocs

One of the biggest problems with living in the city is that fly fishing opportunities are few and far between (unless if you are a fan of stew ponds) and the few places that are unspoilt with resident fish are a very close kept secret to a select few (if any). The only way around…

CZ 75 Pistol Cerakote Review

Just like people, firearms can also get old (although they tend to age better than us) and with age their looks can also deteriorate. Scratches, rust and general wear and tear takes its toll and before you know it your once prized firearm can seem a bit dull and tarnished after a few years, when…

Kinessa Johnson VETPAW Interview

Kinessa Johnson is much more than just a lady with a gun. She is a U.S. Army Veteran, diesel mechanic, weapons instructor and anti-poaching advisor who has a passion for the outdoors as well as wildlife conservation. She is also a part of the VETPAW (Veterans Empowered To Protect African Wildlife) team that is currently…

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